Rainbow Offshore Celebrates Steel Cutting Ceremony for SPP40 Platform Supply Vessel
COOEC Announces $720 million Parent Company Guarantee for Saudi Subsidiary to Support LTA Contract Operations
China Yangtze Shipping Group to build 73 clean energy vessels to expand fleet
Russia’s Shipbuilding Ambitions Stalled as VTB and Rosneft Fail to Merge Zvezda with USC
HD Hyundai Heavy Industries Pioneers 3D Printing for Ship MRO
SWS Celebrates Delivery of 1,000-Ton Gantry Crane, Boosting Dock Capacity for Large-Scale Shipbuilding
COOEC Reports 2024 Financial Performance Peaking at Nine-Year High
TMC chosen to equip FLNG facility
BW Offshore sells an FPSO for $125 million
RHM-Built Two GENMA 150-ton Mobile Harbor Cranes Arrive in Americas
CPGC Achieves Milestone with Successful Ignition of 8ML450DF Dual-Fuel Engine Prototype
Kongsberg wins contract for two new UT7623 SEV design vessels