
Cylindrical FPSO “Haiyang Shiyou 122” successfully launched

On April 2nd, Asia’s first cylindrical “offshore oil and gas fabrication plant”–floating, production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) “Haiyang Shiyou 122” , which constructed by Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd. (“COOEC”), was successfully launched and left the dock.

As Asia’s first cylindrical FPSO designed and built independently by China, “Haiyang Shiyou 122” has a gross weight of about 37,000 tons, a maximum diameter of about 90 meters, and a height of 61 meters (up to the helideck), which is equivalent to the height of nearly 22-story building. This huge offshore oil and gas processing plant consists of two parts, the hull and the superstructure of the functional modules, with 123 segments, 41 separate compartments and 11 subsystems.

The maximum displacement of the FPSO reaches 100,000 tons with storage capacity of 60,000 tons of oil, and can operate offshore for 15 years without docking.

It is reported that launching is a key point in the construction of large-scale offshore engineering equipment and ships. To ensure that the hull structure meets the requirements, “Haiyang Shiyou 122” needs to be launched and towed to a predetermined position for a series of tests in the dock.

After completing all the tests and debugging, “Haiyang Shiyou 122” will be able to obtain the certificate of seaworthiness and classification certificate. In the future, “Haiyang Shiyou 122” will work hand in hand with “Haiji II”, Asia’s first Haiji-2 deepwater jacket platform, in China’s first deep-water oilfield – Liuhua 11-1/4-1 oilfield.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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