
CHIMBUSCO Successfully Declared the Pilot Projects for Biodiesel Promotion and Application of China’s NEA

On April 2, the China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) issued the Notice of the Comprehensive Department of NEA on Pilot Projects for Biodiesel Popularization and Application to publicize the first batch of pilot projects for biodiesel Promotion and application. China Marine Bunker (PetroChina) Co., Ltd. (CHIMBUSCO) successfully declared the project as a bunker supplier, marking a solid step forward in promoting the supply of clean marine fuels. The company is exploring a new path of cross-industry, full-cycle, zero-emission development by promoting the application of biodiesel as marine fuel.

As a “ready-to-use” clean fuel, biodiesel has gained wide acceptance among shipping enterprises, and has already been refueled in many major ship refueling ports around the world.

On August 11, 2023, CHIMBUSCO’s Hong Kong regional company, Chimbusco Pan Nation Petro-chemical Co., Ltd. (CPN), successfully supplied the first batch of ISCC-EU certified UCOME-based B24 marine biofuel to an oceangoing vessel “Cape Amal” operated by Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” Line) by bunker barge “Guo Hui” in Hong Kong.

In December of the same year, CHIMBUSCO signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Zhejiang Jia’ao EnProtech Stock Co., Ltd, which focused on promoting the sustainable development of biodiesel as a cleaner marine fuel, and researching a new path of linkage and emission reduction in the shipping and petroleum industries. CHIMBUSCO has actively connected with suppliers to promote the construction of refueling network and jointly build a stable biodiesel supply channel. At present, the company has successfully opened the regular supply of biodiesel in Hong Kong, Rotterdam and other overseas ports.

In November 2023, China’s NEA issued the Notice on Organizing Pilot Demonstration for Biodiesel Promotion and Application. CHIMBUSCO and member enterprises both home and abroad have actively utilized the company’s development plan in the new energy field and its advantages in storage, transportation and supply system to jointly promote the development of pilot demonstration creation for the promotion and application of biodiesel, which has become one of the few pilot projects in the list that is organized and implemented by an enterprise-led organization.

At present, China’s shipping industry is at a critical stage of green transformation, with a huge potential demand for low-carbon fuels. From the overall perspective of China’s economic development, the refueling of biodiesel in domestic ports has stabilized the momentum of the biodiesel industry and promoted the green and low-carbon transformation of the shipping industry.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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