
Wuchang Shipbuilding Launches An Oil Spill Recovery Vessel(OSRV)

On 30th January, ” Haixun 041″, a medium-sized oil spill recovery vessel (OSRV) constructed by Wuchang Shipbuilding, was successfully launched. The vessel was developed and designed by Marine Design & Research Institute of China (MARIC), and is the largest vessel with the strongest oil spill recovery capability in China’s maritime system.

The vessel has an overall length of 79 metres, a beam of 15 metres, a depth of 5.6 metres, a maximum speed of 15 knots, an endurance of 3,000 nautical miles, which can meet the requirements of self-sustainability for 20 days, and is classified by China Classification Society (CCS).

The vessel has several design highlights:

Firstly, the oil spill recovery capacity is strong. Port and starboard each equipped with a set of built-in oil spill recovery device, the recovery capacity of up to 200 m3/h and the cabin is equipped with an oil spill recovery chamber. The deck is equipped with inflatable booms and light booms that can be quickly deployed, as well as an oil eliminator spraying device. The oil spill recovery system is highly integrated, easy and fast to deploy, and can meet the emergency response requirements of oil spill containment, recovery, storage, transshipment and elimination of oil spill incidents.

Secondly, the level of information technology is advanced. The OSRV is equipped with advanced and complete intelligent and informatised command system, which makes it with strong comprehensive command function. The vessel can achieve the integration, display, storage, communication, transmission and output printing of emergency auxiliary decision-making information, thus becoming an on-site emergency command centre for organizing and coordinating the disposal of major maritime oil spill accidents.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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