
HD KSOE wins 317 bln-won order for 2 ammonia ships

HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co. (HD KSOE) said Monday it has received a 317 billion-won (US$240 million) deal to build two ammonia carriers for a shipper in the Oceania region.

The two very large ammonia ships will be built at the shipyard of HD Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. for delivery by March 2027, HD KSOE said in a statement.

HD Hyundai, formerly known as Hyundai Heavy Industries Holdings, has HD KSOE as a subholding company under its wing.

HD KSOE has three affiliates — HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co. and Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co.

For the whole of 2023, the country’s leading shipbuilder obtained ship orders worth $22.6 billion, far exceeding its annual order target of $15.7 billion.

HD KSOE has set a conservative order target of $13.5 billion for this year as it has already secured ample ship orders for years to come.

It had an order backlog of $65 billion, which will keep the shipyards of its affiliates busy for more than three years, at the end of November, the company said.

Source:Yonhap News

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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