
ABS Issues AIP for Innovative FLNG Design from Bumi Armada

ABS awarded an approval in principle (AIP) to Bumi Armada Berhad (Bumi Armada) for an innovative floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) infrastructure design.

The new concept incorporates a barge-based liquefaction unit and utilizes existing LNG carriers for storage. ABS completed design reviews based on class and statutory requirements.

“Our recent AIP for their innovative FLNG concept is a great example of our continuing collaboration with Bumi Armada and we look forward to supporting further development of this concept,” said Miguel Hernandez, ABS Senior Vice President for Global Offshore.

Gary Christenson, Bumi Armada’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “We are committed to bringing innovative and sustainable solutions that can accelerate the delivery of cleaner energy. This technology is a testament to our strong commitment towards providing the best solutions that unlock the pathway to achieve net zero by 2050, which is in Bumi Armada’s decarbonization agenda.”

Recently, Bumi Armada signed a non-binding agreement with PT Pertamina International Shipping, the shipping marine logistics arm of Pertamina, and PT Davenergy Mulia Perkasa (DMP), an Indonesian gas trading company. This allows the three parties to focus their resources on the development and commercialization of LNG from a number of gas fields in Indonesia.

Therefore, it is expected that Bumi Armada and Pertamina International Shipping will design, build, install, commission, connect and operate an FLNG facility and an LNG carrier to transport LNG to nearby consumers who do not own clean energy.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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