
DYOE Delivers Second 9000DWT MPC for German Shipowner Briese

On the morning of November 1, a signing and delivery ceremony was held for the second 9000DWT multi-purpose vessel “ECO TRUST”, which was built for German‘s Briese by Jiangsu Dayang Offshore Equipment Co.,Ltd(DYOE), a subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC).

It is reported that Briese Company has ordered ten 9000DWT MPP series vessels from Jiangsu Dayang Offshore, which is the second vessel delivered. This series of vessels are designed to be 132.78 meters in length, 17.60 meters in breadth, 10.20 meters in depth, 6.10 meters in design draught, 13.0 knots in speed, and are classed by BV Classification Society.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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