OLT Offshore LNG Toscana, a floating regasification terminal operator in Italy controlled by Snam and Igneo Infrastructure Partners, announced that its floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU), Toscana, has been granted a 20-year authorization by RINA. This authorization extends the operational life of the FSRU Toscana by 20 years, until the end of 2044.
It is reported that FSRU Toscana will carry out a series of works aimed at extending its service life during special maintenance in April and June this year, and will be put back into service in November.
Currently, the FSRU Toscana is moored about 22 kilometers off the coast between Livorno and Pisa, connected to the onshore network via a 36.5-kilometer pipeline. The FSRU has an annual regasification capacity of 5 billion standard cubic meters and has been fully booked until 2026/2027.