
Samsung Heavy Industries Passed ISO 37301 and ISO 37001 Supervision and Verification

Samsung Heavy Industries announced on September 12 that it has passed the Compliance Management System (ISO 37301) and Anti-bribery Management System (ISO 37001) post-certification audits.

The Compliance Management System (ISO 37301) and Anti-bribery Management System (ISO 37001), developed by the International Organization for Standardization, are international certifications that rigorously assess a company’s compliance and anti-bribery management systems for compliance with global standards.

After initial certification, companies must pass a two-year follow-up audit to maintain the certification and undergo a renewal audit in the third year.

Samsung Heavy Industries became the first company in the Korean shipbuilding industry to receive both certifications in September 2023, and said that it has now passed a follow-up assessment, proving that its compliance management system is at a global level.

Currently, Samsung Heavy Industries has strengthened its permanent monitoring system and is steadily carrying out compliance program improvement activities, and the initiatives have been highly evaluated.

It is understood that Samsung Heavy Industries established the Compliance Organization in 2011 and set up compliance control standards and regulations to comply with the Anti-bribery Act.

In June 2023, Samsung Heavy Industries announced that it had joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative, which sets out 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.

In June 2023, Samsung Heavy Industries announced that it had joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative, which sets out 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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