
Wan Hai Lines christened a 13,100 TEU containership

Recently, Samsung Heavy Industries held a naming ceremony for the eco-friendly 13,100 TEU neo-Panamax containership “Wan Hai 17” which was built for China-Taiwan shipping company Wan Hai Lines and is expected to be delivered by the end of this month.

The “WWAN HAI A17” is 10 of the 13 13,100 TEU series containerships ordered by Wan Hai Lines from Samsung Heavy Industries between 2021 and 2022, which will be put into Wan Hai Line’s Asia-North America service after delivery. The remaining 3 units are expected to be delivered in 2025.

The series of containerships are 335 meters in length, 51 meters in breadth, with a maximum draft of 16 meters and a design speed of up to 22 knots.

As eco-friendly smart ships, this series of containerships has been certified with the “Smart Ship Notation”, which allows the use of various monitoring systems and communication devices to collect real-time ship navigation data and equipment operating conditions, realizing economical and safe operations, reducing resistance during navigation, saving energy and reducing fuel.

As an “old partner” with a long history of cooperation, industry news that Wan Hai Lines is negotiating with South Korea’s HD Hyundai Group and Samsung Heavy Industries on the construction of 15,000 TEU dual-fuel large containerships, the number of new ships ranging from 4 to 10, the type of fuel has not yet been determined.

Currently, Wan Hai Lines has set a clear emission reduction target, committing to reduce the carbon intensity of its fleet by 50% by 2030 compared to the base year (2008). Since 2022, Wan Hai Lines has obtained both GHG Inventory and GHG Protocol certifications, reducing the fleet’s CO2 emissions intensity by 5.2% compared to the previous year, and by about 34% compared to 2008.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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