
ZPMC makes steady construction progress on 35000 cbm suction hopper dredger

The supervision team of CCCC Guangzhou Dredging’s 35000 cbm giant suction hopper dredger cooperated with the surveyor of China Classification Society (CCS) and jointly completed the inspection of the CB14P segment structure of the 35,000 cbm giant suction hopper dredger project, marking the first key structural segment of the vessel to pass quality acceptance.

The dredger is built by Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery (ZPMC). According to previous reports, in January 2024 representatives of CCCC Guangzhou Dredging, ZPMC and CCCC National Engineering Research Center of Dredging signed a contract for the construction of a 35,000 cbm suction hopper dredger. Representatives of CCCC Guangzhou Dredging and China Development Bank Guangdong Branch signed a framework agreement on the intention to cooperate on the financing of the dredger.

The 35,000 cbm dredger is the first suction hopper dredging equipment in China, with a maximum mud hold capacity of 35,000 cbm, which can adapt to the demand for far-sea operation of “large dredging depth, strong breaking, long distance transportation, and long blowing distance”.

It is suitable for harbor and navigation dredging, deep sea sand extraction, land blowing and pipe trench excavation and backfilling, etc. After completion, it will become the largest dredger in Asia, which is of milestone significance to lead the global dredger to large-scale development.

The CB14P section, as the first of the 135 subsections completed and submitted for inspection, has important guiding significance for the construction quality of the subsequent subsection structure.

During this inspection, the supervisory team and the surveyor strictly followed the design drawings, process specifications and CCS inspection standards to carry out a comprehensive inspection of the structural dimensions of the subsection, welding quality, use of materials and other aspects.

Up to now, the construction work of 35,000 cbm giant suction hopper dredger of CCCC Guangzhou Dredging is progressing steadily.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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