
DSIC laid keel for a 175,000 cbm LNG Carrier

On August 19, Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Corporation(DSIC) under CSSC and China Shipbuilding Trading (CSTC) jointly laid keel for No.3 175,000 cbm large-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier for China Merchants Energy Shipping (CMES).

With an overall length of 295 meters, a beam of 46.4 meters, a depth of 26.2 meters, a design draft of 11.5 meters, a design service speed of 19.5 knots, and a cargo hold capacity of 175,000 cubic meters, the LNG carrier is able to berth at most of the world’s large-scale LNG terminals, and it features excellent portability and ship-to-shore compatibility.

The Liquid Cargo Tank adopts GTT Mark III Flex cargo containment system solution, equipped with re-liquefaction device, which can flexibly and efficiently deal with LNG evaporated gas, having strong market competitiveness.

The No.3 175,000m3 LNG carrier will be constructed in 2-1 dock and 2-3 dock for the bow and stern halves in parallel respectively. Then the main hull is completed by joining the bow and stern together.DSIC further improves the construction efficiency and product quality by optimizing and upgrading the construction mode.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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