
WS delivers last 1,100 TEU containership to CA SHIPPING

On August 1, Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Group Co.,Ltd (WS), an affiliate of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation delivered the 4th 1100 TEU containership to CA SHIPPING one month ahead of schedule, thus the project of the 4 1100 TEU containerships has been perfectly completed and all of them have been delivered ahead of schedule.

It is understood that the 4th 1100TEU containership has successfully completed all sea trial projects at one time, and the test data all meet the design requirements, the main engine is in good running condition, the ship has excellent maneuvering performance, and the performance indexes meet the requirements of the contract and technical specifications.

The ship’s EEDI, hull performance test, propulsion system durability test, noise measurement, navigation equipment and other 25 navigation tests were all successfully completed during the sea trial.

As a key product in 2024, WS gave full play to its advantages in the construction of this series ships, integrated its advantageous resources, continuously optimized the production process and construction procedures, pushed forward the application of advanced technology and work methods, strengthened quality control, pushed forward the construction of the ship and promoted the beat-oriented construction of ships, which lays a solid foundation for the high-quality delivery of ships.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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