
CNOOC Completes Offshore Installation of 2 Platforms

On August 1, the upper block of Panyu 10-1 and 11-12 unmanned intelligent platforms, a joint development project in Panyu undertaken by CNOOC, successfully connected to jackets in the sea area of Panyu Oilfield in the eastern part of the South China Sea, completing all the offshore installation operations, successfully completing all the offshore installation operations. It marks the further improvement of the standardization and intelligence level of the design and construction of China’s offshore oil and gas equipment.

The Panyu 10-1 oilfield is about 174.0 kilometers southeast of Hong Kong and is located in waters with a water depth of about 103.1 meters; the Panyu 11-12 oilfield is 177 kilometers southeast of Hong Kong, located in a mature oil and gas development zone, and is situated in waters with a water depth of about 113.5 meters. The two platforms are 133.4 meters and 150.8 meters high respectively, with a total weight of nearly 14,000 tons, equivalent to the weight of 10,000 family cars.

The block lifting operation was carried out during the high monsoon season in the South China Sea, the sea condition was harsh and the operation window was short, CNOOC seized the favorable weather window, made a strict construction plan, and carried out the offshore lifting operation with the “Blue Whale 7500” as the main line, realizing the efficient construction progress of “lifting two blocks in two days”. And the precision of connecting between the tips of the blocks and the jackets reached the millimeter level, which won the valuable time for the completion of the offshore installation of the blocks.

During the field development and construction of the Panyu Joint Development Project, CNOOC carries out the construction of intelligent facilities in parallel to comprehensively promote the intelligent transformation of the field, and transforms the production mode and management mode by means of informatization and intelligence, so as to achieve the objectives of quality enhancement, efficiency improvement, safety control.

The intelligent construction of the project provides data support for production and operation decision-making, promotes the optimization of production and operation and the upgrading of management capability, and improves the reliability and safety of the facilities and equipment of the two newly built platforms.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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