
TechnipFMC Awarded Substantial Flexible Pipe Contract by Petrobras

On July 23, UK-based energy technology provider TechnipFMC announced on its website that it has been awarded a substantial contract by Petrobras to supply flexible pipe for the pre-salt fields offshore Brazil, following completion of a tender.

The contract covers the design, engineering, and manufacture of flexible pipe for water injection and gas lift. The contract is between $250 million and $500 million, which was included in inbound orders in the second quarter of 2024.

This is the second large offshore contract announced by TechnipFMC in a week. On July 18, TechnipFMC signed a large offshore contract with Energean Power for Energean’s Katlan project in the Mediterranean Sea offshore Israel, valued at between $500 million and $1 billion, which will be the first time that Energean has used TechnipFMC’s Subsea 2.0 production system.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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