
Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Group signed a clean energy shipbuilding base with Annual Value of $1.377 Billion

On July 15, Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Group signed an agreement with Xinqiao Town (Xinqiao Park) of Jingjiang City, a green high-tech clean energy shipbuilding base was officially signed and settled in Jingjiang.

This green high-tech clean energy shipbuilding base project will make use of the shoreline length of about 1,320 meters, covering an area of about 1,300 mu, to build a 300,000-ton dock, a 200,000-ton outfitting wharf, a 100,000-ton basin, with an annual production capacity of about 800,000 DWT. At present, the project’s preliminary procedures are being fully promoted, and it is expected to be completed and put into operation by the end of 2026, with annual output value of not less than 10 billion yuan ( $1.377 billion) and average annual comprehensive tax of not less than 300 million yuan ( $41.31 million) after the project reaches production.

This newly signed project aims at the new track of high technology and high value-added ships, and becomes the pioneer leader of domestic private enterprises to enter the large LNG carrier construction market. Meanwhile, the project also provides strong support for Jingjiang to seize the high point of international competition, break the monopoly of Japan and South Korea in the field of high value-added ships achieving industrial self-reliance.

As the only private enterprise in China that has taken orders for 175,000 cubic meters of super-large LNG carriers, Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Group is constructing a green and high-tech clean energy shipbuilding project, aiming to build a world-class demonstration area for the high-quality development of clean energy gas carriers, and to implement a modern shipbuilding model and build a modern intelligent factory in accordance with the planning concepts of intellectualization and digitalization. The enterprise will introduce intelligent and digital production lines, accelerate the integration and application of 5G industrial internet and other technologies with shipbuilding, and cultivate new quality productivity in shipbuilding industry through digitalization, networking and intelligent upgrading.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Actively Expands New Markets

As the “leader” of China’s private shipbuilding enterprises, Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Group is expanding its shipbuilding field and seeking to expand its product portfolio to include large liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) carriers and ethane carriers.

In May this year, Yangzijiang Shipbuilding successfully opened up a new market with three 99,000 m3 very large ethane carriers (VLECs) ordered by SP Chemicals, a Singaporean shipping company, and formally entered the VLEC construction field. This is not only the first VLEC order undertaken by a Chinese shipyard this year, but also marks that Yangzijiang Shipbuilding will be the first private shipbuilding enterprise to enter the VLEC construction market in China.

It is reported that Yangzijiang Shipbuilding first ventured into the liquefied natural gas (LNG) field in 2022 and announced the signing of two 175,000 m3 LNG carriers with a European shipowner on October 26, 2022, marking Yangzijiang Shipbuilding’s becoming the fourth shipyard in China, and the first privately-owned domestic one, to receive orders for large-scale LNG carriers in real vessels.

In terms of clean fuel-powered vessels, Yangzijiang Shipbuilding signed a contract with Danish shipping giant Maersk for six 9,000 TEU methanol dual-fuel containerships in June 2023, which means that this private shipbuilding enterprise has officially entered the methanol-powered boxship construction market.

According to the “First Quarter FY2024 Business Update Announcement” released by Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (Holdings), as of May 24, 2024, the Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Group’s hand-held order book amounted to 7.45 million compensated gross tonnage(CGT) (193 vessels), with a record order value of $16.08 billion, and with delivery schedules up to 2028, as compared to $14.48 billion as of end-December 2023; new vessel orders received so far this year amounted to $3.32 billion, achieving approximately 74% of the annual order taking target. The value of newbuilding orders received so far this year is US$3.32 billion, achieving about 74% of the annual order intake target.

After the announcement of more than two months, Yangzijiang Shipbuilding in the oil tanker, containership market has once again captured a number of new vessel orders, and during the period to a number of shipowners to build and deliver many types of vessels.

Its company history can be traced back to 1956, had a series of developments such as relocation of the factory in 1975, shareholding restructuring in 1999, construction of a new factory across the river in 2005, listing in 2007, etc., and is now China’s first shipbuilding enterprise listed in Singapore.

The group’s subsidiaries, Jiangsu New Yangzi Shipbuilding, Jiangsu Yangzi Xinfu Shipbuilding and iangsu Yangzi-Mitsui Shipbuilding, are located in Jingjiang City, Taixing City, and Taicang City within the downstream of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province. The Group also owns two ship design companies in Shanghai.

The group covers an area of more than 5 million square meters, with a shoreline of more than 5,000 meters.The Group has three large dry docks and three large and medium-sized slipways, with an annual shipbuilding production capacity of 6 million DWT. The Group’s mainstream products include large and medium-sized containerships, bulk carriers, tankers, chemical and other liquid cargo ships, clean energy vessels such as LNG, LEG, LPG, various multi-purpose vessels and offshore engineering equipment.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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