
Huanhai Heavy Industries delivered a semi-submersible aquaculture platform

On July 10th, Ningbo Huanhai Heavy Industries (Huanhai Heavy Industries) successfully delivered the “Donghai I” aquaculture platform, which was developed by the Guangzhou Institute of Energy Coversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and designed by Zhuhai Gesheng Technology, a subsidiary of Zhuhai Ocean Group.

“Donghai I” is the first deep-sea semi-submersible aquaculture platform in Zhejiang Province, with a total investment of up to 60 million yuan ($8.25 million), and will be installed in the waters off Xiangshan County for the culture of yellow croaker.

The platform is 82 meters long, 32 meters wide, 22 meters high, with a working draft of 13 meters and a culture water body of about 36,000 cubic meters. It is the first set of semi-submersible intelligent aquaculture platform for deep-sea in Zhejiang Province, and is also the first semi-submersible aquaculture platform that Zhuhai Gesheng Technology has applied outside the province.

The platform has a number of advantages such as good stability, strong wind and wave resistance, high degree of intelligence, convenient operation at sea, etc. The platform is a highlight project of the transformation and upgrading of Zhejiang Province’s offshore traditional aquaculture to deep-sea aquaculture equipment, mechanization and informationization, and is a concrete initiative to vigorously develop the “new quality productivity” of marine fisheries.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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