
HD Hyundai speeds up transformation by embracing AI technology

HD Hyundai, South Korea’s largest shipbuilding group, is working with shipping companies and classification societies with the aim of expanding the use of maritime artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

Recently, HD Hyundai Marine Solutions, the intermediate holding company of HD Hyundai Group’s shipbuilding business and an affiliate of HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (HD KSOE), Pan Ocean, Korea’s largest ship management company POS SM, and the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), signed a business agreement to apply AI solutions for ship safety management and carbon reduction.

Under the agreement, the “AI Onboard Safety Management Package Solution” developed by HD Korea Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering will be used for ship safety. The solution consists of a Integrated Condition Diagnosis Solution (HiCBM) and a Integrated Safety Control Solution (HiCAMS) that diagnoses the condition of critical equipment onboard in real time to help prevent accidents and automatically recognizes emergencies and contingencies for quick response.

To this end, the partners planned to apply the AI Onboard Safety Management Package Solution to a 174,000 m3 liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier currently under construction at HD Hyundai Heavy Industries in order to validate its effectiveness. The vessel was ordered by Pan Ocean.

To reduce carbon emissions, the partners also plan to adopt HD Hyundai Marine Solution’s Ocean Wise system, a “decarbonization and economic operation solution” that measures and predicts carbon emissions based on vessel position information alone, using accumulated big data and artificial intelligence algorithms, and provides optimal routes to minimize fuel consumption. and provides optimal sailing routes to minimize fuel consumption.

Pan Ocean plans to apply the Ocean Wise system to reduce carbon emissions generated during ship operations, improve the efficiency of ship operations and reduce OPEX costs. The ABS will verify the reliability of the Oceanwise system and seek to automatically issue approvals related to the system in the future to measure the carbon emissions required by the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).

Pan Ocean associates said, ” We will make every effort to utilize AI technology to help the Korean maritime industry secure global competitiveness in the field of the fourth industry and lead the market with global standards.”

HD KSOE associates stated, ” We plan to realize the maritime transformation envisioned by HD Hyundai by advancing maritime AI solutions in conjunction with Korea’s leading shipowners, ship operators, and authoritative classification societies.”

A person from HD Hyundai Marine Solutions expressed, “The importance of maritime AI solutions that provide optimal operational guidelines is expected to continue to grow. The company will continue to explore supply channels for AI solutions through this business agreement.”

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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