
Jinglu Shipyard Secured An Order for 5 MR2 Product Tankers

Greek shipping company Laskaridis Maritime has returned to Penglai Zhongbai Jinglu Ship Industry (Jinglu Shipyard).

Recently, Laskaridis Maritime has placed an order with Jinglu Shipyard for five 49,000 dwt MR product tankers. The new shipbuildings, which are conventionally fueled and will not be fitted with desulphurization towers, are expected to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2026 and the first half of 2027. It should be noted that this is Laskaridis Maritime’s first order for an MR product tanker, and the contract value and unit cost have not yet been disclosed.

According to the official website, Laskaridis Maritime is a dry bulk shipping company under Alimia Group, and currently owns a fleet of 28 ships with a total deadweight tonnage of 2,449,103 tons and an average age of 3 years, most of which are built by Chinese shipyards.

Previously, Laskaridis Maritime and Jinglu Shipyard have cooperated several times in the bulk carrier sector. Jinglu Shipyard had built and delivered two 63,500 DWT Ultramax bulk carriers for the company during 2021 and 2022. In April this year, the two sides signed a contract for the construction of two 82,000 dwt Kamsarmax bulk carriers, which will be equipped with desulphurization devices and are expected to be delivered in 2026. With the signing of these five MR2 product tankers, the cooperation between the two parties has further expanded and deepened.

The official website shows that Jinglu Shipyard is a large modern shipbuilding enterprise with ship repair and construction as its main business, belonging to Qingdao Military-Civil Integration Development Group and jointly held by Shandong Huiyang Group. Jinglu Shipyard covers a total area of 1.8 million square meters and has an annual production capacity of one million deadweight.

Jinglu Shipyard is located in Penglai District, Yantai City, on the inner side of the Changshan Islands. It has one 300000t dry dock (369m*102m), one floating dock with lifting capacity 35000t(296m*52m), one floating dock with lifting capacity 5000t(108.9m*26m). The total length of the outfitting quay is about 3000 m. The special equipment and facilities for shipbuilding, including 1000 t and 500 t of gantry cranes, are complete. JLS has more than 4500 employees, with a complete and professional talent system, which covers all aspects of shipbuilding. The use of international leading design software and precision control software fundamentally ensures product quality.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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