
ORIX Places Order for 3 Bulk Carriers including 2 Methanol-Fueled Bulk Carriers

On July 8, ORIX Corporation, a Japanese financial trading company, said on its official website that it has placed an order for two Methanol Dual Fuel KAMSARMAX Bulk Carriers (“KAMSARMAX”), the latest environmentally friendly ships from TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING Co., Ltd., and one bulk carrier from Oshima Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. through its consolidated subsidiary Santoku Senpaku Co., Ltd. TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING’s KAMSARMAX will be built at TSUNEISHI GROUP (ZHOUSHAN) SHIPBUILDING INC., and Oshima Shipbuilding’s bulk carrier will be built at its Koyagi Shipyard.


The value of the order and delivery date have not been disclosed. This is the first time that ORIX Group has ordered methanol-fueled ships.

The newly ordered KAMSARMAX is a methanol-fueled bulk carrier and a dual fuel vessel*1 that can also use heavy oil. Due to its use of methanol and the improved hull shape, and other factors, the ship will emit approximately 15% less CO2 and reduce emissions of sulfur oxides, an air pollutant, by approximately 95% compared to TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING’s conventional ships. Currently, fossil fuels such as natural gas are used to produce methanol. In the future, the use of green methanol made from hydrogen derived from renewable energy and CO2 will make it possible to consider CO2 emissions during operation to be virtually zero.

In 2023, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a specialized agency of the United Nations, reinforced its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets to “reach net-zero GHG emissions from international shipping by or around, i.e. close to, 2050.” As new efforts are being established toward achieving this goal, such as a new target to increase the use of zero-emission fuels in international shipping to 5-10% by 2030, demand for environmentally friendly ships is increasing.
All three ships ordered this time satisfied in advance with EEDI Phase 3 (30% reduction from the standard value) which will be applied to new vessels starting from 2025, and can be expected to lower environmental impact.

ORIX acquired all issued shares of Santoku Senpaku in February 2024. The latest environmentally friendly ships will be the first ships ordered by ORIX and Santoku Senpaku since Santoku Senpaku joined ORIX group.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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