
Wuchang Shipbuilding Signs 2 OCVs with a Famous European Shipowner

On June 18, Wuchang Shipbuilding under China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) signed a new construction contract for 2 offshore construction vessels (OCVs) with a famous European shipowner. This is another recognition from European shipowners after Wuchang Shipbuilding was awarded a contract for two OCVs in March this year.

The OCV will be used primarily in the traditional oil and gas industry as well as in the renewable energy industry such as wind power.

The OCV is a heavy duty workboat specialized in offshore and deepwater construction with great operational capability and flexibility for the execution of a wide range of subsea engineering projects. Designed by Salt Ship Design, a renowned Norwegian design company, the OCV is equipped with advanced features that allow it to perform offshore operations up to 3,000 meters water depth in complex sea conditions.

In the field of offshore engineering, OCVs are key equipments for performing various offshore operations. The production detailed design stage plays a crucial role in building a high quality OCV.

Wuchang Shipbuilding design team carries out in-depth refinement and optimization on the basis of the overall design of Norwegian design company, finely compiles the list of materials and equipments, researches and formulates the detailed production processes and crafts, and makes a lot of research work for the high requirements of comfort and anti-noise vibration requirements, and takes a series of measures from the design and the selection of equipments and materials with great efforts, which lays a solid foundation for the smooth construction of this OCV.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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